A DRAGON RISES AGAINST THE WIND - 09 May 2015 | Konstepedemin



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KONSTEPIDEMINS VÄNNER, UTSTÄLLNINGAR | GALLERIET 9 – 31 MAJ A_dragon_rises_against_the_wind-beska?rd_72 Internationella Gruppen på Konstepidemin har under hösten bl.a. bedrivit en frukostseminarieserie, under namnet: Kris/Populism/Konst. På Galleri Konstepidemin kommer Anna Lamberg att vara curator för en utställning med samma namn. För mer info om projektet se länk, Kris/Populism/Konst Last year the residency program at Konstepidemin started the forum Crisis–Populism–Art, where local and in


Internationella Gruppen på Konstepidemin har under hösten bl.a. bedrivit en frukostseminarieserie, under namnet: Kris/Populism/Konst. På Galleri Konstepidemin kommerAnna Lamberg att vara curator för en utställning med samma namn.

För mer info om projektet se länk, 


Last year the residency program at Konstepidemin started the forum Crisis–Populism–Art, where local and international artists have been working together since September 2014, approaching questions about politics, responsability, language, and participation. The artists will present works from the process in the exhibition A dragon rises against the wind showing from the 9th of Mai until the 31st of Mai at Galleri Konstepidemin.

Anna Wieselgren (CAN), Ismail Hosny (EGY), Patricia Vane (NLD), Jill Lindström (SWE), Khaled Harara (GAZA), Stina Östberg (SWE), Steven Cuzner (SWE), SUMEI (CHN), Birte Niderhaus (SWE), Valentina Paraskevaidou (GRE)

The difference between the rich and the poor has never been so large as it is today. Countries and economies seem to exist for those who are already priviliged, and not for the whole of society. In Sweden the segregation increases clearly as a result of ethnical and social economic factors. Populistic political parties become more attractive to voters in Europé, and similar tendencies are taking place in other parts of the world. At the same time political protests grow stronger, as for example the ”Arabian spring” with demands for governments to abdicate, change of regimes, and democratic reforms. Even in other countries voices are raised, people organize themselves in human rights movements and demand alternatives, social reforms, and justice.

Galleri Konstepidemin Program 9 Maj

12.00 Gallery opens

13.00 Opening speech

13.30 Frauke Teaser performance (more info at Galleri Konstepidemin startpage, see Frauke)

14.00 Patricia Vane ”Blinding to see” performance, Bergrummet

15.00Patricia Vane ”Blinding to see” performance, Basement house 10

16.00 Patricia Vane ”Blinding to see” performance, Studio Robert

19.00 Opening party in House 10

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